Sutherland Law Viscosity Calculator
Posted on Thursday, October 29, 2015 at 11:05 PM


Where to Find a Sutherland Law Viscosity Calculator Excel Spreadsheet

To obtain a Sutherland law viscosity calculator Excel spreadsheet, click here to visit our spreadsheet store.  Look in the Fluid Properties category on the Download page.  This Excel spreadsheet is intended to calculate gas viscosity at a specified temperature using Sutherland's formula.  You can buy a convenient Sutherland law viscosity calculator Excel spreadsheet  for a very reasonable price.  This spreadsheet calculates a gas viscosity based on a reference temperature and reference viscosity..  Calculations may be made in either U.S. or S.I. units.  Read on for information about using a Sutherland law viscosity calculator Excel spreadsheet.

Background for Sutherland Law Viscosity Calculator Excel Spreadsheet

Sutherland's formula for calculating the viscosity of a gas at a specified gas temperature is shown below along with an explanation of the parameters in the equation.

Sutherland Formula for Gas Viscosity CalculationThe parameters in Sutherland's formula are as follows:

To = reference temperature, K

μo = viscosity of the gas at temperature, To

C = Sutherland's constant for the gas, K

T = the temperature of the gas, K

μ = the viscosity of the gas at temperature, T, in the same units as μo.

Example Sutherland Law Viscosity Calculator Excel Spreadsheet

An example Sutherland law viscosity calculator Excel spreadsheet is partially shown in the image below.  This Excel spreadsheet can be used to calculate the viscosity of a specified gas at a specified tempeerature.  This Excel spreadsheet, as well as others for fluid property calculations, is available for both U.S. or S.I. units for a very reasonable price in our spreadsheet store.

Sutherland Formula Viscosity Calculator SpreadsheetReferences

  1. Chapman, S. & Cowling, T. G., "The Mathematical Theory of Non-Uniform Gases, 3rd Ed, 1970, Cambridge Mathematical Library.
  2. National Physical Laboratory, Kaye & Laby, Tables of Physical and Chemical Constants, Chapter 2, Section 2.2, Subsection 2.2.3.
  3. Bengtson, Harlan, Sutherland Formula Viscosity Calculator, an informational online blog article
  4. Bengtson, Harlan H., "Gas Property Calculator Spreadsheet," an Amazon Kindle e-book.